Entries by Artist

Terry Scott

Big Blue
Catalogue Number: 459
Category: Bowls

Large Blue Gum Burl 400w x 150H

A stunning piece of timber that has had Copper inlay placed in the voids typical of this timber.

A real focal point that would enhance any foyer or entrance  

Highly Commended in Natural
Blue Gum Reaching For The Sky
Catalogue Number: 475
Category: Natural

Blue Gum Burl inlayed with copper to the voids which occur when this timber dries  

420 H 140 Dia 

Lacquer  Stain Copper embellishment 

3rd in Bowls
Chasing your Tail
Catalogue Number: 463
Category: Bowls

Brown Mallee fruit bowl 

360x320x110mm h 

The inspiration for this piece came from when I went into my woodshed and a family of Geckos had made this burl their home .

Dads Olive
Catalogue Number: 470
Category: Ornamental

Dads Olive 

Made from a branch of an Olive tree that my father planted 42 years ago 

With added Olive leaves natural bark and natural voids 

this piece holds special memories.  

Sitting on three feet 100 mm w x100 mm h 

Fantail box
Catalogue Number: 462
Category: Lidded Boxes

Solomon Queen  Ebony  with Padauk finial 

Turned in one piece embellished and carved 



Gold Fields Burl
Catalogue Number: 400
Category: Ornamental

Red Malle Burl  Turned  Carved 

Gilders paste stains to rim  Danish Oil and Lacquer 

Sits on three feet 

135 x 280mm

Highly Commended in Lidded Boxes
Koru Keeper
Catalogue Number: 460
Category: Lidded Boxes

Turned on 6 centers with a  hand carved bone Koru

When viewed   the scrolls appear to be moving

Finished with Indian Ink and Gilders paste  Lacquer  



2nd in Natural
Leaves On A Rope 6
Catalogue Number: 464
Category: Natural

Mallee Burl with live or natural edge 

400 x349mm W  x 110 H

I always feel privileged to have been given the opportunity to turn this timber as you never know what lies within.


Nautilus Sun Set
Catalogue Number: 599
Category: Wall Art

Macrocarpa  530 x 580 x 30mm

The amazing grain in this timber has been highlighted by staining and embellishment 

This work will  be a real focal point in a batch or seaside home 

Highly Commended in Plates/Platters
Platter delight
Catalogue Number: 461
Category: Plates/Platters

Red Malle Burl Plate/platter  300 x 260 x 35 high

Finished with Danish oil 

The outer rim has been left natural 

Pohutukawa Hidden In Kauri
Catalogue Number: 471
Category: Plates/Platters

Ancient Kauri Platter 410mm D x 50mm High/deep

Two of my favorite trees brought together as a partnership 

Carved Textured and embellished 

Pohutukawa In Bloom 3
Catalogue Number: 472
Category: Ornamental

Pohutukawa In Bloom

Made from Pohutukawa  280mm x 100mm 

Memories at the beach as a child with the Pohutukawa in fill bloom and the cicadas in a defining orchestral melody of sound 

My Happy Place .

Turned carved and embellished  

Red Gum Burl Delight
Catalogue Number: 473
Category: Natural

Red Gum Burl Delight

350 x320 w x 50mmh

What more could a wood turner want to  find such joy in turning a burl with such a rich color and history 


3rd in Plates/Platters
Totara with Kaikaka and Copper
Catalogue Number: 474
Category: Plates/Platters

This Totara tree had a rare disease called kaikaka which looks similar to bug infestation 

The natural occurring holes have been inlayed with copper

340mm Dia 50mm High 


3rd in Natural
Twins With Leaves
Catalogue Number: 469
Category: Natural

Malle Burl 240x190Wx50mmH 

Turned leaving the natural edge with no visible mounting points 

To further enhance the beauty within a picture frame of miniature leaves have been hand carved then embellished.